Tuesday 12 January 2010

I'm down!!!

So for the past 2 weeks this is what I've been doing. Sticking to a 500 cal a day limit.
Fruit for lunch ~ (apple/orange)

A meal for dinner - Very small one!

The thing is, I live with my boyfriend and for the 2years that we have been together I make us a meal every night. The reason I have put on weight isn't because this is a full fatty meal, it's because I've been eating MASSIVE portions. But I've more than halved my portions and have been giving him leftovers nearly everyday. And he (I hope) hasn't even noticed.
And I haven't binged, which I'm very proud of myself for. because I really expected I would. Also it was my birthday and I had a party on the weekend, my mum made me a massive cake and my friend made some cupcakes and I haven't had a bite of any of them. Instead I took them in to my work for all the fat pigs there to eat. I also put all leftover chocolate we got given for Xmas out on plates and watched them all disappear.

Exercise…I walk to and from work which takes 45mins there and back and I have been slack lately, but I try to go to the gym 4 times a week.

Anyway back to the good news..I went to the gym and before I started to work out I weighed myself there and I'm down 3pounds :) So happy about this. This gave me thinspiration...

GW's for each month:
Feb 5th-133 pounds
March 5th- 125 pounds
April 5th- 120 pounds
May 5th- 115pounds (goal weight)

By summer (June) back to 113 pounds like I was before.

I hope I can do this. I will keep reading all of your blog's for thinspiration. Stay strong and think thin! xxxx

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