Thursday 14 January 2010

Did Ana do this? Could it be fate?

Yesterday my shopping food order was supposed to come for the week.
For some reason it was cancelled. I called them and they didn't have any idea why it had happened.
My boyfriend decided he was going to go to the chipshop and get some chips...No way was I going to binge on them. So I decided I wasn't going to eat dinner.
I had only eaten a orange in the day. So I treated myself to a cup of ginger ale and that was all. Was it fate, that it didn't come?
I woke up this morning really tired, but I felt good. I managed to go the day on about 100 cals.
I had a dream about food, well not really food...TicTacs! haha. So strange.
I had a delivery also of the book by Mayra Hornbacher, Wasted. I have read that it is good thinspiration on other peoples blogs. So I'm looking forward to reading it.
As I did so well yesterday I'm going to eat my full 500 cals today and have a small pack of sushi for lunch and some salad for dinner.
My boyfriend is insisting we goto the shop to do the shopping that didn't come. I haven't been to the supermarket in a while, it's going to be quite hard and I'm pretty scared about it. But if I have the sushi it should fill me up. Argh I really hope it doesn't break me, fingers crossed I'll still have the willpower and Ana will come with me to stop any temptations.
Stay strong ladies and think thin! Hopefully I'll be able to. xxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Sushi is good, and good for you.

  2. lol its a sign from the heavens....!
    And you probably absorbed the calories in those tictacs whilst you were dreaming about them too ;)

    hang in there, good luck in that dreaded supermarket x
