Saturday 16 January 2010


Okay So I've woken up and feel sooo bad. Yesterday was an awful day.
Before I go on, re: the last post...The supermarket was fine. I really didn't tempt at anything. BUT...Last night I binged on Pizza :( I made it for my boyfriend and I and altough I made it incredibly thin and with low fat mozzerella. I had about 5 slices :( and I couldn't try to purge because he wanted to watch a film with me straight after grrrr. I have woken up feeling disgusting. I will get back on this today. Under 500 cals no more!!!
I need to get some scales. I'm going to look on ebay or amazon for some good ones. I think..know it'll help.
Good news though, I spoke to my best friend about dieting and she is too. Not as extreme, but still we can now chat about this and she doesn't judge me atall. it's nice to have someone to share tips with and were great thinspo for each other. V. happy about that. :)

Think thin ladies, I know I am going's some thinspo for you..

Thin thin..xxxxx


  1. hello :) i am following your blog now :) jw, how tall are you?

  2. Hi Sophie :) Thanks I'll go and read yours.
    I'm 5"6. xxx
